Friday 8th Sept 2017
Holy Moly's, Esquires, Bedford
Ten Pence On The Returns
4-Track MP3 only
NEW GIG.... Bowfinger are supporting The Dowling Poole on Friday 8th SeptEmber 2017
We are absolutely delighted to blag this gig. Ed and Iain have been playing The Dowling Poole's superb albums Bleak Strategies and One Hyde Park so much that we may need to buy a new copies. We cannot talk more highly of The Dowling Poole – ex-Cardiacs, ex-Honeycrack, ex-Wildhearts and numerous other side-projects of an equally high quality. We saw them play Esquires in 2016 and just had to support them on their return visit. So if you like your pop on the psychedelic side or your psychedelia on the pop side then check out the video for Rebecca Receiving and have a gander at their shop – you won't be disappointed.
This video for All You Know was shot by the award-winning children's author and brilliant illustrator David Litchfield. It cost us the princely sum of a pint of lager and a packet of crisps. We love it...